
Here are some of my works that I’ve worked on professionaly, in university or in my free time.

Fractured Reality

Winter 2022 – Summer 2023
Coolest part of this project was the fractal renderer & editor written for Unity.

As a main part of my Master’s studies, me and 2 others developed a prototype for Fractured Reality, which is a VR game that combines fractal rendering (raymarching) in VR with the bullethell genre.

A scifi-shield VFX which I made for the game’s boss arenas

Sk8ter B0t

Winter 2022
The focus of this project was on unique user interfaces and interaction methods. In Sk8ter B0t, you skate down a dystopian road, while steering with your balance and fighting off robots by forming special gestures with your hands.

In my first Master’s semester me and 2 colleagues made a prototype for a very unique VR game, which was my first experience developing for virtual reality.

The Wicked Souls

Summer 2022 – Today
I am working as a general programmer on Konsonautic‘s first big video-game title. The game is being developed in Unity and will be a story-driven metroidvania with point-and-click elements.

Find out more about the game on the official website.


August 2022
During my second GameDevWeek in Trier, I worked together with 2 artists and another programmer to create Embark, an atmospheric puzzle adventure for local-coop. The jam’s theme was “It’s dangerous to go alone”.

Check out Embark and the other great entries on the GameDevWeek Itch.io Page!

Heureka Engine

Summer 2021 – March 2022
For my Bachelor thesis, I developed my own Chess Engine from scratch in C++ and implemented Efficiently Updatable Neural Networks (NNUE) for the position evaluation. The engine is UCI compatible and ranks at ~1300 elo when matched against other engines. That is without NNUE evaluation, as I unfortunately failed to get a network trained successfully.

For anyone interested, my thesis can be downloaded here (German, only Abstract in English!). Maybe one day I will continue working on the engine, keep an eye on the GitHub repository.


Early 2020 – Summer 2021
A story-driven point-and-click adventure about a traumatized boy who tries to find his place in the world. What started as a university project has become a passion project of our amazing team. I worked on everything programming related and more in Unity, together with one other coding buddy.

Click here to check out Shiver’s German web presence including a web prototype (build for DevCom2021 / Digitale Hubertta)!
Make sure to follow Shiver’s Official Twitter Account!


Late 2020 – Summer 2021
A virtual tour through our university’s design campus. The presented works are loaded dynamically and can be managed without rebuilding the application.
I developed the frontend application, which is a WebGL build made with Unity.

Sadly, the application was taken offline in 2023 and is not available on the university’s website anymore.

Ray Tracing Demo

Late 2020
A ray tracer I built for a university course. Based on this amazing tutorial!

You can download the build, source code and documentation (in German) on my downloads page.

Beetle Demo

Mid 2020
This small demo was made for a module in university and is based of WeaverDev’s amazing tutorial on Procedural Animation. I also modelled and rigged the beetle in Blender.

You can run the demo in your browser over on my itch.io.

Einkauf Teiler

Mid 2020
An iOS app for splitting shopping costs. Made and brought to the App Store during a university course.

App Store Page

Prime Numbers

Early 2020
Small PICO-8 (amazing 8bit engine) project where I colorfully express my love to math

Run in your browser here!

Steroid Squash

Late 2019
My first game I ever worked on during the GameDevWeek in Trier, which is an awesome one week game jam. It was also my first experience with Unity, and I mostly did the animation and UI programming.

A build of the game can be found on itch.io.